Frequently Asked Questions

How do pick what Priority my support ticket is?

What Are Support Ticket Levels?

Support ticket levels are the definitions you use to prioritize the urgency of each support ticket. Typically these include three tiers: low, normal, and high. A range of considerations will dictate the priority of your support issues and help you identify and categorize these inbound support tickets.

What Are the Different Priority Levels for Support Tickets? 

 The most common support ticket priority levels are:
  • (Normal) Low/Tier 3: This is for general questions that don’t need an instant response. These tickets don’t cause major problems for our customers but are smaller issues that can or might take time to resolve.
  • (High) Medium/Tier 2: This priority level could be for issues that involve a product bug or service issue that require a quick response or fix.
  • (Critical) High/Tier 1: This level is for more critical issues for which no temporary fix exists. If you’re using on of our SaaS "Software as a Service" , it might mean that an outage prevents you or customers from using our product or your service(s). As such, these tickets require an urgent response and should is our team’s top priority. 

 Last updated 02/06/2023 9:02 pm

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