Frequently Asked Questions
How to Install Modules from the Command Line for drupal site
In addition to installing modules using the UI, you may also download and install modules from the command line. Installing Modules from the Command Line requires that the server that your working on have Composer and or Drush aa well.
Go to the browser refresh the page. You will see the functionality of the module is added to the site.
Be sure that your version of drush is appropriate for your version of drupal. Otherwise you might encounter errors. See the documentation on installing drush.
- The recommended way to download modules (and themes) is with Composer. However, you may still use Drush 8 or Drupal Console to download the modules, but it does not adjust your composer.json file.
- Both Drush and Drupal Console will install modules and themes for you. (In Drupal 8 installing and enabling a module is the same.)
In Drush 8 you can download a module using a command:drush dl module_name
The DL is to Download the module- To install a module using Drush, execute the command below:
drush en module_name
The EN enables that module listed - Clear the cache using this command:
drush cr
Go to the browser refresh the page. You will see the functionality of the module is added to the site.
Be sure that your version of drush is appropriate for your version of drupal. Otherwise you might encounter errors. See the documentation on installing drush.
Drupal Console
To install a module with Drupal console, execute the command below:drupal moi module_name
With the Drupal Console is installed, you can download a module using
drupal mod module_nameIt is mandatory that you document the process(s) line by line that your used to install. modify or update a Drupal installation.
Last updated 11/16/2020 10:42 pm
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